Seasonal Vaccinations
Download our printable immunization checklist to take with you to your doctor.
Fall and winter are the peak seasons for flu, COVID-19 and RSV, and nothing is more important than protecting yourself and your loved ones from illness. Those at high risk of getting severe disease, are 65 or older, or have never been vaccinated before should consider immediately getting up to date on their vaccines for the upcoming peak season. ​

Stay protected this holiday season with safe and effective vaccines. Prioritize your health by learning more about the importance of immunizations and how they safeguard our communities.
The flu is a potentially serious illness that can cause hospitalization and even death. It can even worsen chronic medical conditions like congestive heart failure, asthma, or diabetes.
The flu vaccine can prevent you from getting the flu and prevents millions of flu-related doctor visits annually – from 40% - to 60%.
COVID-19 can cause severe illness, hospitalization, and even death – the vaccine protects against these outcomes.
RSV is a common respiratory virus that produces cold-like symptoms, but
in some cases, it can be serious, especially in infants and older adults. The vaccine protects against severe RSV.
Click here for a list of seasonal immunization resources, and here to find a pharmacy near you to administer your shots.
If you are interested in joining us at one of our vaccine clinics or visiting us at an upcoming event,
please contact us at (216) 658-0727 or visit our events page.
Funding for this campaign was made possible (in part) by Grant No. 5 NH23IP922652-03-00 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.